Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some other "Seinfeld" related pop culture sites for your enjoyment....

A lot of the sites I came across when "researching" Seinfeld related info were obviously more fan-related articles, but I did manage to find some stuff that has begun to analyze some of the major pop culture influences the show had. I found it interesting to see how many conflicting views that people had. Here are some links to those sites....

Here's a good one that discusses gender identity and masculine power in one particular episode of the show:

This site seems to be in the preliminary stages, but it does have some good info including some books in the bibliography that I want to get around to checking out:

This article discusses the show's influence on many aspects of American culture...

A site dealing more specifically with religion issues in Seinfeld:

more to come...

Some clips from "The Outing"